Learning and practicing the art of enjoying life … it’s not a stupid thing … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

One of the things which i missed this life time was … to enjoy … the life itself.

I was focused on lots of things …. but i did not realized i could simple start to analyze why many are saying that … we should connect and enjoy …. the present moment.

And … whatever i was doing … i could not push the stop button … to my crazy way of living my life … and just relax.

Somehow … i could even say that i was avoiding doing that.

I knew i need to learn and practice this …. as an art … but i was doing all my best to simple avoid … going to this point of connecting to any of the moments of my life … and enjoy it.

It was so stupid of me doing that … but my mind was unconsciously saying that … it’s in fact stupid to waste my life … relaxing and enjoying.

I continued like this for years and years … until one point when i realized …. no matter what i was trying to do … was in fact a reflection of the nonsense.

And it was all …. so useless …

Download the book ”Doing stupid things … an amazing journey” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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